[অ্যাবেট্’মেন্ট] /noun/ হ্রাস ; কমতি
Translations of abatement
Part of speech | Translation | Reverse translations |
Noun | উপশম | relief, remission, abatement, attenuation, alleviation, mollification |
হ্রাস | decrease, loss, reducing, decrement, fall, abatement | |
শিথিলতা | looseness, laxity, attenuation, abatement, incoherence, laziness | |
কমি | inferiority, smallness, inadequacy, deficiency, shortage, abatement | |
দুর্বলতাসাধণ | attenuation, abatement | |
মন্দা | ebb, abatement | |
দমন | repression, restraint, check, subsidence, break, abatement | |
ঝিমুনি | flagging, snooze, dozing, lethargy, doze, abatement | |
লাঘব | alleviation, abatement, assuagement |
Examples of abatement
- an abatement in the purchase price
- noise abatement